
Carlotta Gilli

Carlotta Gilli è una nuotatrice Italiana detentrice di 6 record del mondo in vasca lunga, 4 record del mondo in vasca corta, 3 record europei in vasca lunga, 3 record europei in vasca corta, 13 record italiani in vasca lunga e 14 record italiani in vasca corta.

Con le sue medaglie dà un prezioso contributo al raggiungimento di un risultato storico per L'Italia del nuoto paralimpico, piazzarsi prima nel medagliere finale.

Verrà nominata miglior atleta femminile della rassegna iridata.

Grazie ai splendidi risultati ottenuti al mondiale londinese, riceverà per la seconda volta il Collare d'oro al merito sportivo del CONI.

Memorabid auctions

"Memorabid Auctions" - identified by a gold graphic design, are promoted and authenticated by the platform, which guarantees every aspect of the item as described in the accompanying text, including authenticity of the athlete’s signature as well as offering certification that the item was really worn in the indicated match.

All the items presented in this section are stored in the Memorabid warehouse, are photographed by the in-house team and are displayed using “360 photo” technology.

When a customer wins a “Memorabid Auction” will have the chance to purchase a COA “Certificate Of Authenticity” (an official document certify the authenticity of the purchased item) at a cost of 18 euros at check out.